Source: The New York Times
Saw this picture of L.A.'s The Swork coffee shop in today's paper (granted, in an article entitled "The Next Wave Wipes Out") and got to yearning for some clever mamas to open a hang-out in this area. You know, java, organic treats, little kiddie play area, etc.? I think it would soon be overrun by the HRP'ers as well as tourist families who need to rest their laurels. I know the key is to have a $$-maker beyond your usual cafe fare, but I think between us we could do it. We certainly have the creative mindpower and know-how for it. And maybe this would get Mama N back to our shores!
Imagine how low the store rents are right now! It seems like every other store is empty, or on the verge. But by the time we open, the people are bored and coming back! Yes, there's that pesky thing called capital. Given that I've been obsessively buying things in bulk at Whole Foods to find the cheapest price, I guess I'm not our "angel investor."
When I was a teen, a friend and I created an elaborate plan for a store we would call Wiggin (as in, you're wiggin' out... yes this shows you we were young). We drew the floor plan and my buddy even had her own DJ booth in the center of the store. There were loungey chairs to encourage the customers to feel like part of the store and lots of great clothes and home decor stuff a la Urban Outfitters. Oh, how I longed to be the doyenne of Wiggin! Instead I went to law school. Choices, ladies, choices. They come back to bite ya.
Anyway if any of you are in the mood to fantasize along with me, please comment and tell me what you think. Angels required, DJ booth optional. And of course, a cooler name than "Swork."