When it comes to parenting I can handle the sleepless nights. I can handle the moaning. I can also handle the dirty nappies/diapers. But there is one thing I find very difficult. The mess. EVERYWHERE!!!
Master R was a "spewer" as a baby. He threw up after every feed. Our carpet was covered in little white patches. Then we he started on food that's when the real mess started. It starts at breakfast when he eats his yoghurt and berries or porridge. That goes everywhere. Then he needs some toast with either peanut butter or vegemite. Have you seen what vegemite does? The tarry blackness gets rubbed into clothes, faces and under fingernails. Fatty R then proceeds to eat my breakfast if I haven't finished it fast enough.
Lunchtime is normally a soup or leftovers from dinner before. If it is curry I feel like striping him naked or his clothes and bib get bright yellow stains. Dinner is the same. It's just endless! What really gets me is that when he's finished eating he just starts pelting food. That really gets me mad. I generally get it all over me and EVERYWHERE!
I have to admit that sometimes I just leave the mess for a couple of meals and clean in the evening. It's just too much for me to clean knowing it's only getting dirty again in another 3 hours. A couple of times I've had to explain the mess with Mamas have come to visit. I'm sure you mamas understand? Perhaps I'm a sow and that's why I'm raising a piglet?
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