Well- I can't believe it- MiniMaster L arrived- three weeks early! It was quite a labor and delivery experience so I thought I'd share my cautionary tale to all of you pregnant mamas. If you are in labor- run, don't walk to the hospital. Master L was almost delivered in a cab- by Mr. R. I can't even imagine.
On Saturday, we had a quiet afternoon, going for lunch and just walking along the waterfront. I had some cramping, but thought nothing of it. At about 11 p.m. my water broke. I was in denial. It was three weeks early, we had no plan to care for Master A, we had no bag packed, no list prepared of Master A's schedule. We were not ready- but Master L was.
I called the doctor and she told me to come up to her office in Tribeca. It turns out I was only 1 cm dialated and had a "thick cervix". My OB told me it would be hours and I should just labor at home till I was closer. I didn't think it would take that long because it was only a few hours with Aidan but I didn't want to be in the hospital all night. Thankfully, my brother in law was in town this weekend, as many of my mama friends I may have called were not. He came over to stay for the night.
I got home a little after midnight and within a half hour the contractions started coming faster. Some weren't terrible, so I wasn't sure if they all were contractions and how far apart they were. We frantically tried to write up some lists on Master A, pack a few cosmetics in a Ziploc, and grab my non-filled out preadmissions paperwork for the hospital. Then, the contractions became much worse and only about two minutes or so apart. I had just left the OB only two hours ago. I didn't think there was any way I could be that far along. By 2:30 a.m., Ryan dragged me out the door. We jumped in a cab and headed to midtown. About halfway through, I became delirious. I couldn't get comfortable on the seat and was just groaning. The cabbie started flying through the city. When we arrived, he had to back down 59th street the wrong way to get us to the emergency room door. I am just thankful that I didn't think to push to alleviate the pressure. I was so miserable that I absolutely would have- not thinking of the consequences. Some nurses at the hospital told me that some taxis will deny pregnant women (though it's illegal) b/c they don't want to deal.
We went upstairs and after telling them I needed to push and my OB had called and said I was a direct admin (she was on her way by bicycle), they told me I was 10 cm plus one. I was absolutely miserable b/c I knew there would be no epidural for me. (I loved my epidural with Master A. It is great if you want to deliver naturally, but I had no desire to be a super hero. I never had any intention on delivering naturally.) Everyone was running around the room, pulling off my clothes and my OB raced up. Within 15 minutes and four pushes, Master L was here. I couldn't believe it. Although it wasn't long, it felt like hours and I really felt like I was going to die.
When he came out, we saw that the cord was wrapped around his neck 2xs and also had a knot in it. We were extremely lucky. If I had my epidural, it would have slowed down labor and Master L would have probably gone into distress. I don't even want to think of it. So- in the end it was a blessing. It's funny, I was never officially admitted to the hospital, it was called a "precipitous delivery". The moral of my tale- spend more time laboring in the hospital- these second babies come barreling through.
I decided to try breastfeeding with Master L. It wasn't for me with Master A (I know I'll hear about it when he's older- how I loved Master L more to give him a better start). Wow- it is tough and painful. Any advice from you experienced mamas would be appreciated.
It is much different this time, coming home to an active 18 month old and because I never had a chance to slow things down for my business- I'm having to put in a few hours for that each day. I wasn't sure if I'd need help- but now I know I absolutely will. Can't wait for you all to meet the munchkin.