Friday, July 10, 2009

Do you tweet?

Hi Mamas

We're now on Twitter as @TightKnitMamas. The new box on the side of this blog feeds in our latest postings on Twitter. Not sure what Twitter is? Read all about it here and I can give you login details when you're ready to share your twits with your tweets.

Mama N xx


  1. Mama N, I have a silly question. Do we go onto Twitter and add a short blurb from our posts on the blog and add a link? I haven't been on Twitter yet and feel a little intimidated. I think I just need a little more info and coaxing.

  2. I just realised I hadn't answered your question yet. I've set it up now so that whenever we post here it is automatically fed to our Twitter account. So our account is more for just random thoughts such as the ones you can now see of mine on the side. Take a look at it and let me know when you're ready to Tweet.
