Monday, March 23, 2009

Sick and tired of getting sick

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Miss L and I unfortunately encountered a stomach bug on Friday evening. Luckily Miss L bounced right back from it, regaining her normal appetite for chicken apple sausage and pancakes within a day. I, on the other hand, have taken a longer time to recover and still feel exhausted from being sick. One obvious reason could be my age, or it could be the fact that I was cleaning my apartment just five hours after being sick. In one night my neat and minimalist apartment had turned into a pigsty with dirty dishes piled high in the sink, saltine crumbs all over the floor (from Miss L's munching) and a pile of linens needing some serious laundering (after Mister T did two loads of laundry on his own). Needless to say when I awoke on Saturday morning feeling weak and in need of a gallon of ginger ale, Mister T was exhausted and on bed rest so I mustered up all the energy I could find and started to scrub, wash and disinfect the apartment.

But I digress, my real question to pose is why am I always getting sick? I've heard that once you have kids you can expect to get sick a lot, but this is crazy! It's either a head cold, sore throat or stomach bug every few weeks. Here is a list of possible explanations for my poor immune system:

1. My parents are positive that I live in a "sick" building. While we have had a number of water problems (picture brown water coming out of your faucet), I am not sure this is the correct explanation. I will also mention that my parents live in a small hippie town on the Northern California coast where the sign leading into town does not give you the town name (tourists are not welcome there, just locals), but the town philosophy which is "welcome to this peace loving, socially acknowledged nature-loving town".

2. I propose that it may be my carnivorous ways that could be causing me to become sick more often. I was a vegetarian for about five years, including my entire pregnancy with Miss L. I started craving meat when I was breastfeeding, perhaps craving the protein that my depleted body needed. Perhaps I should eat more plants and less animals.

3. Mister T thinks the culprit may be too many playgroups. After cleaning up Miss L's vomit for the third time he announced I should go to no more than two playgroups a week. I think I could cut down on the Barnes and Noble storytimes, which seem to be teeming with sick kids hacking and sneezing and looking feverish. But the Monday and Thursday playgroups are here to stay for Miss L and me!

4. I did go to an ayurvedic practitioner last year who gave me some suggestions to become healthier and have good energy throughout the day. This included waking up between 4:00 and 5:30 every morning (doing some yoga and mind mapping before Miss L woke up at 7:00), cutting out caffeine (enjoying a cup of hot lemon water instead) and adjusting my food choices to cool down my pitta inclination (almond milk, coconut basmati rice, sushi). Obviously I did not adopt any of this since I am writing this at 8:30 p.m. (I would need to go to bed at 6:00 p.m. in order to wake up at 5:00 a.m.) and as many of you know I love my Jack's coffee.

So perhaps getting sick more often is just par for the course for being a mom. Maybe it's because I'm not doing seasonal cleanses as recently promoted by Gwyneth and P Diddy. I just wish there was a magic pill (a natural supplement, of course) to keep me healthy and full of energy.


  1. I don't know what it is causing all these illnesses Mama H- I was actually going to post the same thing. I can't believe we had the stomach flu 2x this season as well. It's such a nasty bug. Aidan didn't get sick for 2 days after going to a playgroup- so I doubt that was it. No matter how careful we are with germs, diet, etc. it could just be their genetic makeup. Maybe they don't have ear problems- but the stomach flu will be their bug. I wish there was a stomach flu shot!

  2. While I'm no expert I do believe that in general Americans over sanitize meaning that good and bad germs get killed off not allowing immune systems to grow strong. The only time I've ever used a sanitizer is when Master R was a newborn and I was travelling on the subway. That's a bit too many germs for a newborn. And I'm talking the first 1-4 weeks.

    Apart from that he enjoys eating his leftover food off the floor, has sucked on the soles of my shoes (to my disgust!) and had never yet been sick apart from a temperature rise with teething and a sniffle that's lasted pretty much since December.

    It's also probably down to constitution too. I've got one of those iron cast tums where I can eat anything and not get sick.

    Hope Miss L and Master A have had their share now.
